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Tower Air Fryers

2024-02-11 19:34:11 | Author: James Harris-Deans

Exploring the Culinary Marvels of Tower Air Fryers available in the UK

In recent years, the culinary world has witnessed a revolutionary shift with the introduction of air fryers. Among the myriad options available, Tower Air Fryers have carved a niche for themselves, offering a perfect blend of efficiency, innovation, and style. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Tower Air Fryers, exploring their features, benefits, and the diverse range of models available in the UK market.

Understanding the Essence of Tower Air Fryers

Tower, a renowned brand in kitchen appliances, has garnered a reputation for producing high-quality and innovative products. Their line of air fryers is no exception. Tower Air Fryers harness the power of rapid air circulation to cook food with significantly less oil than traditional frying methods. This not only results in healthier meals but also preserves the natural flavors and textures of the ingredients.

Benefits of Tower Air Fryers

Healthier Cooking: Tower Air Fryers use hot air to cook food, requiring only a minimal amount of oil. This significantly reduces the overall fat content in dishes, making them a healthier alternative to deep-frying.

Time-Efficient: Tower Air Fryers are designed for efficiency. The rapid air circulation ensures that food is cooked evenly and quickly, cutting down on cooking times compared to traditional methods.

Versatility: These air fryers are not limited to frying. They can also grill, roast, and bake, providing a versatile cooking experience. This makes Tower Air Fryers an excellent addition to any kitchen, catering to a wide range of culinary needs.

Easy to Clean: Most Tower Air Fryers come with removable and dishwasher-safe components, making cleanup a breeze. This adds to the overall convenience of using these appliances regularly.

Comparing Tower Air Fryer Models in the UK

Tower Air Fryers |

Tower offers a diverse range of air fryers in the UK market, each catering to different preferences and needs. Let's compare some of the prominent models:

Tower T17023 Air Fryer

Capacity: With a 2.2-liter capacity, this model is ideal for small to medium-sized households.

Power: The T17023 boasts a 1000W power rating, ensuring efficient cooking.

Controls: Equipped with adjustable temperature and timer controls, this model provides flexibility in cooking various dishes.

Compact Design: The compact design makes it suitable for kitchens with limited counter space.

Tower T17021 Air Fryer

Capacity: A slightly larger 4.7-liter capacity makes this model suitable for families or those who enjoy entertaining guests.

Power: With a 1500W power rating, the T17021 offers faster cooking times.

Digital Interface: Featuring a digital control panel, this model provides precise temperature and time settings for more accurate cooking.

Multi-Functional: In addition to air frying, the T17021 can also grill, roast, and bake, adding versatility to your cooking options.

Tower T17039 Air Fryer Oven

Capacity: A generous 11-liter capacity distinguishes this model, making it suitable for larger families or those who frequently host gatherings.

Power: The T17039 packs a powerful 2000W, ensuring swift and efficient cooking.

Multiple Cooking Functions: This model goes beyond air frying and includes additional functions like rotisserie, convection baking, and grilling.

Spacious Interior: The oven-style design provides ample space for cooking larger quantities or multiple dishes simultaneously.

Choosing the Right Tower Air Fryer for You

Tower Air Fryers |

When deciding on the ideal Tower Air Fryer for your kitchen, consider the following factors:

Capacity: Choose a model that aligns with the size of your household or the amount of food you typically prepare. Smaller capacities are suitable for individuals or couples, while larger families may benefit from models with more significant capacities.

Power Rating: Higher wattage generally translates to faster cooking times. If speed is a priority for you, opt for a model with a higher power rating.

Tower Air Fryers |

Controls: Consider the user interface and control options. Digital interfaces provide precise control over temperature and time settings, while manual controls may offer simplicity.

Additional Features: Some Tower Air Fryer models come with additional features such as rotisserie functions, dehydrating options, or multi-layer cooking racks. Assess these features based on your cooking preferences and needs.

Design and Size: The physical dimensions and design of the air fryer should fit seamlessly into your kitchen. If counter space is limited, opt for a compact model.


Tower Air Fryers have undeniably transformed the way we approach cooking, offering a healthier and more efficient alternative to traditional frying methods. Whether you're a culinary enthusiast or someone seeking convenient meal preparation, Tower has a model to suit your needs.
By considering factors such as capacity, power, controls, and additional features, you can confidently choose the perfect Tower Air Fryer to elevate your cooking experience. Embrace the future of cooking with Tower and savour the delights of flavourful, guilt-free meals.