
Invoices are sent by Service Providers to customers.   You don’t need to be a Nubilo user to receive and pay an invoice with Nubilo, but if you are, then you can view all your historical invoices and track your payments more easily.

Invoices are normally sent to you by your Service Provider via email.  You will be sent a link to your invoice in the email which will look similar to this:

When you click on the link, you will be taken to an electronic Invoice which will show you details about the services being invoiced, the service provider and invoice status.  Payments can be made using a range of methods.


Features of Nubilo Invoices:

  • Status
  • Invoice Date
  • Service Provider name and Logo
  • From
  • To
  • Invoice Number
  • Come Ref
  • Payment Due
  • Invoice Line items
  • Payment Methods
  • Print Button
  • Rate your Service Provider
  • Tell a Friend about your Service Provider
  • View All your Invoices
  • Recommended Services.

If you pay using PayPal then the invoice will automatically show a status of paid, but if you pay be any other method that your service provider will be prompted to check the payment has been made and they will need to acknowledge the payment to mark it as paid.