
Manage your work backlog and improve your efficiency with Jobs from Nubilo.

What is a Job?

A Job can be any activity, group of activities or objectives that you wish to manage. Jobs are associated with customers and you can use Jobs to communicate your progress on a package of work, through the customer portal.  Jobs can be made visible to customers and progress tracked as you complete tasks.   This can save you hours every month providing updates to customers and your customers can check in on progress as often as they like.


Features of Jobs:

  • Simple Kanban style progress mapping ( To do, Doing, Done )
  • Coloured Labels to improve visual referencing.
  • Target Date
  • Subtasks
  • Control Customer Visibility


Creating a Job

Jobs are created from the Customer Details page, as currently any job must be associated with a customer. You will soon also be able to create jobs from the “Jobs” page.

Navigate to the customer detail page, you will find the “Jobs and Bookings” Section.  Click the “Ad Job” + button to reveal the new Job

Choose from a rage of Job types:

  • Job
  • Schedule
  • Booking

Define a Date for when this activity is due.

Add a description.

Click the “Create” button to create the job.   All the information can be updated at any time, so don’t worry.

Your Job can now be viewed from the customer details page, or from the Jobs page.


Adding Tasks

Once a job is created you can add tasks to give it more detail and break the activity down into a series of small activities.  This can be useful if the Job is large and you want to measure progress or identify key milestones.

To add a subtask click the + icon to reveal a description text box and “+ Add Task” button.

When tasks are added a progress bar appears in the Job to indicate overall progress towards completion.

Tracking Progress

Jobs with tasks can be used to track progress by clicking the checkbox on the left side of the task.  As tasks get checked off the progress is calculated and shown in the progress bar.

Changing Job Status

Jobs also have a status,  you can change the status to be either “ToDo”,  “Doing” or “Done” to indicate if the job is in a queue, being worked on or completed. To set the status of a job, click the Blue Flag and choose from a list of status options.

Jobs are shown in the Jobs page under the column matching their status, with all the Jobs set as “ToDo” in the first columns, “Doing” in the Second Column and “Done” in the third Column.


Managing what customers see

Some jobs are going to be just for your tracking purposes and some are likely to be at the request of the customer.  You can specify if each job is visible to the customer on their Customer Portal by clicking the “Eye” icon in the top right corner of the Job.

When the eye is “Green”, The Job is visible on the customer portal, and the customer can see the details of the job and the progress bar.    Each Task is not automatically shown on the portal.   You can set each individual task as being visible too.    This gives you complete control over the level of detail you are sharing, but gives the customer immediate feedback on the progress of the job.

Making your jobs visible is a simple way to improve customer satisfaction by enabling constant progress updates for the customer with zero impact to you, having to take calls to provide updates.  Simply advise your customer to check the portal for updates if they want to track progress.

Viewing all Jobs

To View all your current Jobs navigate to the “Jobs” page under the business section of the left navigation menu,  You Jobs are then shown all together in a 3 column format; arranged by status ( Todo, Doing, Done).

Viewing Jobs by Customer

When in the Jobs page. To see all the jobs for a single customer, click on the “I” (Information) button on the Job to reveal a menu.  Here you can click the “View Customer” option to navigate to the customer detail page and see all the associated Jobs for that customer.